MEMORANDUM OF LAW (W/NYSCEF DOC. #'S) (Motion #001) - Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner, the Attorney Generals Motion for Preliminary Injunction July 10, 2023 (2024)

MEMORANDUM OF LAW (W/NYSCEF DOC. #'S) (Motion #001) - Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner, the Attorney Generals Motion for Preliminary Injunction July 10, 2023 (1)

MEMORANDUM OF LAW (W/NYSCEF DOC. #'S) (Motion #001) - Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner, the Attorney Generals Motion for Preliminary Injunction July 10, 2023 (2)

  • MEMORANDUM OF LAW (W/NYSCEF DOC. #'S) (Motion #001) - Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner, the Attorney Generals Motion for Preliminary Injunction July 10, 2023 (3)
  • MEMORANDUM OF LAW (W/NYSCEF DOC. #'S) (Motion #001) - Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner, the Attorney Generals Motion for Preliminary Injunction July 10, 2023 (4)
  • MEMORANDUM OF LAW (W/NYSCEF DOC. #'S) (Motion #001) - Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner, the Attorney Generals Motion for Preliminary Injunction July 10, 2023 (5)
  • MEMORANDUM OF LAW (W/NYSCEF DOC. #'S) (Motion #001) - Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner, the Attorney Generals Motion for Preliminary Injunction July 10, 2023 (6)
  • MEMORANDUM OF LAW (W/NYSCEF DOC. #'S) (Motion #001) - Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner, the Attorney Generals Motion for Preliminary Injunction July 10, 2023 (7)
  • MEMORANDUM OF LAW (W/NYSCEF DOC. #'S) (Motion #001) - Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner, the Attorney Generals Motion for Preliminary Injunction July 10, 2023 (8)
  • MEMORANDUM OF LAW (W/NYSCEF DOC. #'S) (Motion #001) - Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner, the Attorney Generals Motion for Preliminary Injunction July 10, 2023 (9)
  • MEMORANDUM OF LAW (W/NYSCEF DOC. #'S) (Motion #001) - Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner, the Attorney Generals Motion for Preliminary Injunction July 10, 2023 (10)


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2023 02:41 PM INDEX NO. 451549/2023NYSCEF DOC. NO. 722 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2023 S UP RE ME C O U RT OF T HE ST ATE OF NE W Y O R K C O U NT Y OF NE W Y O R K P E OP L E OF T H E S T A T E OF N E W Y O R K by I n d e x N o. 4 5 1 5 4 9/ 2 0 2 3 L E TI TI A J A M E S, Att or n e y G e n er al of t h e St at e of I. A. S. P art 6 0 N e w Y or k, (Cr a n e , J.) P etiti o n er , -a g ai nst - A B R A H A M O P E R A TI O N S A S S O CI A T E S L L C d/ b/ a B E T H A B R A H A M C E N T E R F O R R E H A BI LI A N D N U R SI N G, D E L A W A R E O P E R A TI O N S A S S O CI A T E S L L C d/ b/ a B U F F A L O C E N T E R F O R R E H A BI LI T A TI O N A N D H E A L T H C A R E, H O L LI S O P E R A TI N G C O., L L C d / b/ a H O L LI S W O O D C E N T E R F O R R E H A BI LI T A TI O N A N D H E A L T H C A R E, S C H N U R O P E R A TI O N S A S S O CI A T E S L L C d/ b/ a M A R T I N E C E N T E R F O R R E H A BI LI T A TI O N A N D N U R SI N G, LI G H T P R O P E R T Y H O L DI N G S A S S O CI A T E S L L C, DEL A W A RE RE AL EST ATE P R OPE RT Y A S S O CI A T E S L L C, H O L LI S R E A L E S T A T E C O., L L C, LI G H T O P E R A TI O N A L H O L DI N G S A S S O CI A T E S L L C, LI G H T P R O P E R T Y H O L DI N G II A S S O CI A T E S L L C, C E N T E R S F O R C A R E L L C d/ b/ a C E N T E R S H E A L T H C A R E, C F S C D O W N S T A T E, L L C, BI S F U N DI N G C A PI T A L L L C, S KI L L E D S T A F FI N G, L L C, K E N N E T H R O Z E N B E R G, D A R Y L H A G L E R, B E T H R O Z E N B E R G, J E F F R E Y SI C K LI C K, R E U V E N K A U F M A N, L E O L E R N E R, A MI R A B R A M C HI K, D A VI D G R E E N B E R G, E L LI O T K A H A N, S O L B L U M E N F E L D, A R O N GI T T L E S O N, A H A R O N L A N T ZI T S K Y, J O N A T H A N H A G L E R, a n d M O R D E C H AI “ M O TI ” HELL M A N , R es p o n d e nts . M E M O R A N D U M O F L A W I N O P P O SI TI O N T O P E TI TI O N E R, T H E A T T O R N E Y G E N E R A L’ S M O TI O N F O R P R E LI MI N A R Y I N J U N C TI O N 1 of 62FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2023 02:41 PM INDEX NO. 451549/2023NYSCEF DOC. NO. 722 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2023 T A B L E OF C O N T E N TS P a ge P R E LI MI N A R Y S T A T E M E N T .....................................................................................................1 S T A T E M E N T O F F A C T S ..............................................................................................................4 A. T h e A G Fil es S uit T hr e e Y e ars Aft er It I niti at e d Its I n v esti g ati o n ..........................5 B. T h e A G’s R e c or d R e v e als All e g ati o ns C o n c e ntr at e d D uri n g t h e C o vi d -1 9 P a n d e mi c a n d Ot h er wis e Dis p ut e d B y E vi d e n c e I g n or e d b y t h e A G. ....................7 L E G A L S T A N D A R D ....................................................................................................................1 1 A R G U M E N T .................................................................................................................................1 3 I. T H E A G’ S R E Q U E S T E D P R E LI MI N A R Y I NJ U N C T I O N F AI L S T O M E E T T H E H EI G H T E N E D S T A N D A R D F O R M A N D A T O R Y I NJ U N C TI O N S ....................1 3 A. Gr a nt of t h e Pr o p os e d R eli ef W o ul d A m o u nt t o Gr a nti n g t h e Ulti m at e R eli ef S o u g ht a n d a Dist ur b a n c e of t h e St at us Q u o ...............................................1 3 1. T h e A G’s Pr o p os e d Pr eli mi n ar y R eli ef Is Virt u all y I d e nti c al t o t h e R eli ef It S e e ks o n Fi n al J u d g m e nt .............................................................1 3 2. T h e A p p oi nt m e nt of a n I F M D u pli c at es t h e M o n et ar y R eli ef R e q u est e d. ..................................................................................................1 6 3. N o E xtr a or di n ar y Cir c u mst a n c es E xist T h at W arr a nt Pr eli m i n ar y R eli ef t h at Alt ers t h e St at us Q u o. ..............................................................1 7 B. T h e R eli ef t h e A G S e e ks is O v er br o a d a n d V a g u e ................................................1 9 II. T H E B A L A N C E O F T H E E Q UI TI E S D O N O T W A R R A N T A P R E LI MI N A R Y I NJ U N C TI O N. ...................................................................................................................2 3 A. N o O n g oi n g Q u alit y of C ar e Iss u es I m p a cti n g P ati e nts ........................................2 3 1. T h e A G H as F ai l e d t o I d e ntif y O n g oi n g I nf e cti o n C o ntr ol Iss u es ............2 4 2. T h e A G’s R eli a n c e o n B uff al o C e nt er F ails t o S h o w O n g oi n g H ar m ..........................................................................................................2 5 3. T h e D O H R ef err al D o es N ot S u p p ort A Pr eli mi n ar y I nj u n cti o n ..............2 7 4. R e c e nt S ur v e ys a n d R ati n gs Fr o m F e d er al a n d St at e H e alt h c ar e A g e n ci es C o nfir m t h at A PI Is N ot W arr a nt e d ..........................................2 7 i 2 of 62FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2023 02:41 PM INDEX NO. 451549/2023NYSCEF DOC. NO. 722 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2023 5. D O H Is E m p o w er e d T o E nf or c e A n y O n g oi n g St affi n g Vi ol ati o ns .........3 1 B. R es p o n d e nts W o ul d B e U n d ul y Pr ej u di c e d B y t h e A G’s Pr o p os e d PI .................3 1 III. T H E A G H A S F AI L E D T O D E M O N S T R A T E A LI K E LI H O O D O F S U C C E S S O N T H E M E RI T S .............................................................................................................3 3 A. T h e A G’s E vi d e n c e of P ati e nt H ar m Is I ns uffi ci e nt ..............................................3 5 B. T h e A G’s E vi d e n c e R e g ar di n g St affi n g A n d I n a d e q u at e C ar e Is Fl a w e d .............3 7 C. T h e A G’s E vi d e n c e R e g ar di n g T h e I m p a ct of t h e R P V Tr a ns a cti o ns o n P ati e nt C ar e Is I n a d e q u at e .....................................................................................3 8 D. A G F ails T o C o nsi d er I m p a ct of Ot h er I nt er v e ni n g E v e nts ..................................3 9 1. T h e A G F ails t o A c c o u nt f or C O VI D -1 9 P a n d e mi c ..................................3 9 2. T h e A G F ails t o A c c o u nt f or N ati o n al a n d St at e Wi d e St affi n g S h ort a g es ....................................................................................................4 1 3. T h e A G F ails T o A c c o u nt f or t h e D O H’s D el a yi n g T h e Eff e cti v e D at e of t h e St affi n g R e g ul ati o ns ................................................................4 2 4. A G F ails t o A c c o u nt f or t h e M a n d at e T o N ursi n g H o m es T o A c c e pt R esi d e nts ........................................................................................4 3 E. T h e N u m er o us D is p ut e d Iss u es of F a ct W arr a nt D e ni al of t h e A G’s PI ...............4 4 I V. R E S P O N D E N T S WI L L N O N E T H E L E S S A G R E E T O P R E LI MI N A R Y R E LI E F T H A T A D E Q U A T E L Y A D D R E S S E S T H E I S S U E S I N T H E P E TI TI O N. ....................4 6 A. R es p o n d e nts Will A gr e e m e nt t o t h e A p p oi nt m e nt of A n I H M .............................4 6 B. I F M O v ersi g ht Is N ot N e c ess ar y ...........................................................................4 7 V. R E S P O N D E N T S’ TI M E T O R E S P O N D T O T H E P E TI TI O N S H O U L D B E E X T E N D E D ......................................................................................................................4 8 A. T h e C o m pl e xit y of t his C as e a n d t h e V ol u mi n o us R e c or d W arr a nt t h e E xt e nsi o n. ...............................................................................................................4 8 B. A n E xt e nsi o n Is C o nsist e nt Wit h T h e Ti m e Fr a m es Aff or d e d T o R es p o n d e nts I n Si mil ar, B ut L ess C o m pl e x C as es Br o u g ht B y T h e A G. .............4 9 C O N C L U SI O N ..............................................................................................................................5 0 ii 3 of 62FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2023 02:41 PM INDEX NO. 451549/2023NYSCEF DOC. NO. 722 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2023 T A B L E O F A U T H O RI TI E S P a g e(s) C as es 1 3 5 W. Br o a d w a y L L C v. 1 3 7 W. Br o a d w a y O w n ers C or p. , 1 2 2 N. Y. S. 3 d 8 ( 1st D e p’t 2 0 2 0) .............................................................................................1 5 B ar b es R est. I n c. v. A S R R S uz er 2 1 8, L L C , 3 3 N. Y. S. 3 d 4 3 ( 1st D e p’t 2 0 1 6) .............................................................................................3 1 B ass v. W V Pr es. P art n ers, L L C , 1 7 5 N. Y. S. 3 d 5 2 1 ( 1st D e p’t 2 0 2 2) ...................................................................................1 2 , 3 4 C e arl e y v. Eli H a d d a d C or p. , 4 6 9 N. Y. S. 2 d 3 6 5 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 8 3) .........................................................................................4 7 P e o pl e e x r el. C u o m o v. D ell, I n c. , 8 7 3 N. Y. S. 2 d 2 3 6 ( S u p. Ct. Al b a n y C nt y. 2 0 0 8) ....................................................................3 6 F er di n a n d v. S ali n o , 9 5 N. Y. S. 3 d 3 0 4 ( 2 d D e p’t 2 0 1 9) ............................................................................................1 9 Gillil a n d v. A c q u afr e d d a E nt er., L L C , 9 3 6 N. Y. S. 2 d 1 2 5 ( 1st D e p’t 2 0 1 1) .........................................................................................3 3 Gr o h v. H all or a n , 4 4 8 N. Y. S. 2 d 6 8 0 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 8 2) .........................................................................................2 0 H a ns e n v. Hi g h S o ci et y M a g azi n e, I n c. , 4 2 9 N. Y. S. 2 d 5 5 2 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 8 0) .........................................................................................1 6 H H Ci n ci n n ati T e xtil e L. P. v. A cr es C a p. S er vi ci n g L L C , 2 0 1 8 W L 3 0 5 6 9 1 9 ( S u p. Ct. N. Y. C nt y. J u n e 2 0, 2 0 1 8) .........................................................1 6 H o w ar d S yst e ms I nt’l, I n c. v. Ki e p er , 5 9 4 N. Y. S. 2 d 6 1 7 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 9 3) .........................................................................................4 7 I nt’l L at e x C or p. v. Fl e x e es, I n c., 1 1 9 N. Y. S. 2 d 4 0 9 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 5 3) .........................................................................................1 2 I nt erf ait h M e di c al Ctr. v. S h a hz a d, 5 0 7 N. Y. S. 2 d 7 0 2 ( 2 d D e p’t 1 9 8 6) ..........................................................................................3 2 J a m es v. i Fi n e x I n c. , 2 0 1 9 W L 2 1 4 2 2 9 7 ( S u p. Ct. N. Y. C nt y. M a y 1 6, 2 0 1 9) .............................................1 9 , 2 1 , 2 2 iii 4 of 62FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2023 02:41 PM INDEX NO. 451549/2023NYSCEF DOC. NO. 722 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2023 P e o pl e e x r el. J a m es v. N. L e asi n g S ys., I n c. , 1 4 2 N . Y. S. 3 d 3 6 ( 1st D e p’t 2 0 2 1) ...........................................................................................1 8 J Y N ot S o C o m m o n L. P. v. P & R Br o n x, L L C , 2 0 2 3 W L 3 1 0 6 9 2 5 ( S u p. Ct. B x. C nt y. A pr. 2 6, 2 0 2 3) ...............................................1 2 , 1 7 , 1 8 K al a m ot o us a kis v. K ar p , 2 0 2 0 N. Y. Mis c. L E XI S 3 2 0 7 ( S u p. Ct. N. Y. C nt y. J ul y 7, 2 0 2 0) ..........................................1 6 K az a ntzis v. C as c a d e F u n d. R M 1 A c q uisiti o ns Gr a nt or Tr ust , N o. 1 5 7 2 0 3/ 2 1, 2 0 2 3 W L 3 7 4 2 9 6 6 (J u n e 1, 2 0 2 3 1st D e p’t) ............................................1 2 , 3 3 St at e e x r el. L ef k o witz v. It ali a n Li n e , 3 9 1 N. Y. S. 2 d 1 3 2 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 7 7) ...................................................................................2 3 , 2 5 L o m b ar d v. St ati o n S q. I n n A pts. C or p. , 9 4 2 N. Y. S. 2 d 1 1 6 ( 2 d D e p’t 2 0 1 2) ..........................................................................................3 1 M az ur e k v. Ar mstr o n g , 5 2 0 U. S. 9 6 8 ( 1 9 9 7) .................................................................................................................3 4 N e w Y or k A ut o. I ns. v. N e w Y or k S c hs. I ns. R e ci pr o c al , 6 5 9 N. Y. S. 2 d 8 8 1 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 9 7) .........................................................................................1 1 N e w Y or k Cit y v. Gi uli a ni , 6 7 9 N. Y. S. 2 d 1 4 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 9 8) ...........................................................................................1 2 P B B I n v ests. II, L L C v. B or d e n L P , 7 3 Mis c. 3 d 1 2 2 0( A) ( S u p. Ct. N. Y. C nt y. O ct. 1 0, 2 0 2 1) .......................................................3 1 P e o pl e v. C ol d S pri n g A c q uisiti o n, L L C , N o. 6 1 7 7 0 9/ 2 0 2 2 ..................................................................................................................6 , 5 0 P e o pl e v. C o m pr e h e nsi v e at Orl e a ns L L C , I n d e x N o. E 2 2-0 0 5 8 2 ...........................................................................................................6 , 5 0 P e o pl e v. C S A - Cr e dit S ols. of A m., I n c. , N o. 4 0 1 2 2 5/ 0 9, 2 0 1 2 W L 1 5 7 7 9 6 1 ( N. Y. S u p. Ct. A pr. 3 0, 2 0 1 2) .........................................3 6 P e o pl e v. F ult o n C o m m o ns C ar e Ctr., I n c. , N o. 6 1 7 6 8 7/ 2 0 2 2 ..................................................................................................................6 , 5 0 P e o pl e v. Tr u m p , N o. 4 5 2 5 6 4/ 2 0 2 2, 2 0 2 2 W L 1 6 6 9 9 2 1 6 ( S u p. Ct. N. Y. C nt y. N o v. 3, 2 0 2 3) ..........................1 9 Pl ati n u m E q uit y A d vis ors, L L C v. S DI, I n c. , 1 7 N. Y. S. 3 d 2 8 9 ( 1st D e p’t 2 0 1 5) ...........................................................................................1 2 iv 5 of 62FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2023 02:41 PM INDEX NO. 451549/2023NYSCEF DOC. NO. 722 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2023 R a p a p ort v. Di a m o n d D e al ers Cl u b, I n c. , 4 6 4 N. Y. S. 2 d 1 8 0 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 8 3) .........................................................................................4 7 R esi d e nti al B d. of M a n a g ers of C ol u m bi a C o n d o. v. Al d e n , 5 7 6 N. Y. S. 2 d 8 5 9 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 9 1) .........................................................................................1 2 R o c h e v. Br u d er , 4 3 7 N. Y. S. 2 d 8 2 3 ( W est c h est er C nt y. 1 9 7 8) ...........................................................................3 1 S c ott o v. M ei , 6 4 2 N. Y. S. 2 d 8 6 3 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 9 6) .........................................................................................4 4 S e c o n d o n S e c o n d C af e, I n c. v. Hi n g Si n g Tr a di n g, I n c. , 8 8 4 N. Y. S. 2 d 3 5 3 ( 1st D e p’t 2 0 0 9) ...................................................................................1 2 , 1 7 S h a k e S h a c k F ult o n St. B kl y n, L L C v. Alli e d Pr o p. Gr p., L L C , 1 1 2 N. Y. S. 3 d 1 9 6 ( 2 d D e p’t 2 0 1 8) ........................................................................1 2 , 1 5 , 1 7 , 4 4 S H S B aisl e y, L L C v. R es L a n d, I n c. , 7 9 5 N. Y. S. 2 d 6 9 0 ( 2 d D e p’t 2 0 0 5) ..........................................................................................1 2 S o m ers Ass o cs., I n c. v. C or vi n o , 5 4 8 N. Y. S. 2 d 4 8 0 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 8 9) .........................................................................................4 4 S p e ctr u m St a mf or d, L L C v. 4 0 0 Atl. Titl e, L L C , 8 1 N. Y. S. 3 d 5 ( 1st D e p’t 2 0 1 8) ...................................................................................1 2 , 1 3 , 1 7 St. P a ul Fir e a n d M ari n e I ns. C o. v. Y or k Cl ai ms S er v., I n c. , 7 6 5 N. Y. S. 2 d 5 7 3 ( 1st D e p’t 2 0 0 3) .........................................................................................1 8 St at e v. Fi n e , 7 2 N. Y. 2 d 9 6 7 ( 1 9 8 8) ..............................................................................................................3 1 St at e v. First I n v est ors C or p. , 5 9 2 N. Y. S. 2 d 5 6 1 ( S u p. Ct. N. Y. C nt y. 1 9 9 2) ........................................................................2 0 St at e v. Pri n c ess Pr esti g e C o. , 3 6 6 N. E. 2 d 6 1 ( 1 9 7 7) ...............................................................................................................3 6 U b er T e c hs., I n c. v. A m. Ar b. Ass’ n, I n c. , 1 6 7 N. Y. S. 3 d 6 6 ( 1st D e p’t 2 0 2 2) .....................................................................................1 2 , 3 3 W. 5 8t h St. T e n a nt Ass’ n v. 5 8 W. 5 8t h St. Ass o cs. , 4 6 9 N. Y. S. 2 d 3 4 4 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 8 3) .........................................................................................2 0 X er o x C or p. v. N eis es , 2 9 5 N. Y. S. 2 d 7 1 7 ( 1st D e p’t 1 9 6 8) ...................................................................................1 4 , 1 9 v 6 of 62FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2023 02:41 PM INDEX NO. 451549/2023NYSCEF DOC. NO. 722 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2023 St at ut es E x e c uti v e L a w § 6 3( 1 2) .............................................................................2 , 3 , 5 , 1 4 , 1 8 , 2 3 , 2 7 , 4 8 G e n er al B usi n ess L a w § 4 5 8 [ h][ 1] ...............................................................................................3 6 H o m e S oli cit ati o n S al es A ct ..........................................................................................................3 6 P u bli c H e alt h L a w Arti cl e 2 8 ........................................................................................................2 7 P u bli c H e alt h L a w S e cti o n 2 8 9 5 -b ....................................................................................3 1 , 3 7 , 3 8 S o ci al S e c urit y A ct S e cti o n 1 8 6 4 ..................................................................................................1 0 R ul es M c Ki n n e y Pr a c. C o m m e nt ar y C P L R 4 0 1 .....................................................................................1 8 N o n -P e ri o di c al Cit ati o ns C o nti n u a n c e , O xf or d L e ar n er’s Di cti o n ar y, htt ps:// w w w. o xf or dl e ar n ers di cti o n ari es. c o m/ us/ d efi niti o n/ e n glis h/ c o nti n u a n c e ....................2 3 D e b or a h N et b ur n, A Ti m eli n e of t h e C D C's A d vi c e o n F a c e M as ks , L. A. Ti m es (J ul y 2 7, 2 0 2 1, 4: 4 7 P M) htt ps:// w w w.l ati m es. c o m/s ci e n c e/st or y/ 2 0 2 1 -0 7 - 2 7/ti m eli n e -c d c -m as k -g ui d a n c e -d uri n g -c o vi d -1 9 -p a n d e mi c ...............................................8 , 2 5 E d w ar d S e g al, W or k er S h ort a g e Criss is F o c us of N e w c a m p ai g n b y U. S. C h a m b er , F or b es (J u n e 1, 2 0 2 1)..............................................................................................4 1 Eri k a E d w ar ds, C D C R e v ers es C o vi d -1 9 G ui d a n c e, S a ys T esti n g M a y N ot B e N e e d e d Aft er E x p os ur e , N B C, ( A u g. 2 5, 2 0 2 0, 4: 1 8 P M), htt ps:// w w w. n b c n e ws. c o m/ h e alt h/ h e alt h -n e ws/ c d c -r e v ers es-c o vi d -1 9 - g ui d a n c e -s a ys-t esti n g-m a y -n ot -b e -n 1 2 3 8 0 1 3 ......................................................................8 , 2 5 F a ct S h e et: N ursi n g H o m es C o m p ar e Fi v e -St ar Q u alit y R ati n g S yst e m , C M S. g o v, htt ps:// w w w. c ms. g o v/ m e di c ar e/ pr o vi d er -e nr oll m e nt -a n d - c ertifi c ati o n/ c ertifi c ati o n a n d c o m pli a n c/ d o w nl o a ds/ c o ns u m erf a cts h e et. p df ............................2 9 Fi v e -St ar Q u alit y R ati n g S yst e m, C M S .G O V , htt ps:// w w w. c ms. g o v/ m e di c ar e/ pr o vi d er -e nr oll m e nt -a n d - c ertifi c ati o n/ c ertifi c ati o n a n d c o m pli a n c/fs qrs ..........................................................................2 9 T h e I m p a ct of H os pit al St aff S h ort a g es o n P ati e nts , T ul a n e U ni v ersit y S c h o ol of P u bli c H e alt h a n d Tr o pi c al M e di ci n e Bl o g ( N o v. 1 1, 2 0 2 2) htt ps:// p u b li c h e alt h.t ul a n e. e d u/ bl o g/ h os pit al-st aff-s h ort a g es/ ...................................................8 vi 7 of 62FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2023 02:41 PM INDEX NO. 451549/2023NYSCEF DOC. NO. 722 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2023 I ns p e ct or G e n er al, H os pit al E x p eri e n c es R es p o n di n g t o C O VI D -1 9 P a n d e mi c: R es ults of a N ati o n al P uls e S ur v e y M ar c h 2 3 – 2 7, 2 0 2 0 (htt ps:// oi g. h hs. g o v/ o ei/r e p orts/ o ei -0 6 -2 0 -0 0 3 0 0. p df ).............................................................4 0 Ji m M usti a n, O v er 9, 0 0 0 Vir us P ati e nts S e nt i nt o N Y N ursi n g H o m es , Ass o ci at e d Pr ess ( F e b. 1 1, 2 0 2 1, 7: 5 2 P M) htt ps:// a p n e ws. c o m/ arti cl e/ n e w -y or k -a n dr e w - c u o m o -us -n e ws -c or o n a vir us -p a n d e mi c -n ursi n g -h o m es - 5 1 2 c a e 0 a b b 5 5 a 5 5f 3 7 5 b 3 1 9 2f 2 c d d 6 b 5 ......................................................................................9 J os e p h S p e ct or, C or o n a vir us: N e w Y or k R el e as es C o u nt y a n d A g e D at a o n D e at hs. W h at It S h o ws , Ti m es H er al d-R e c or d ( A pr. 6, 2 0 2 0, 6: 3 0 A M) htt ps:// w w w.r e c or d o nli n e. c o m/st or y/ n e ws/ c or o n a vir us/ 2 0 2 0/ 0 4/ 0 6/ c or o n a vir u s-n e w -y or k -r el e as es-c o u nt y -a n d -a g e -d at a -o n -d e at hs -w h at -it- s h o ws/ 1 1 1 8 4 4 3 9 2/ ( “ N e w Y or k h as b y f ar t h e m ost d e at hs a n d c as es i n t h e n ati o n … ”) ..................................................................................................................................7 R o b ert K u z ni a, C urt D e vi n e & Dr e w Griffi n, S e v er e S h ort a g es of S w a bs a n d Ot h er S u p pli es H a m p er C or o n a vir us T esti n g , C N N ( M ar. 1 8 2 0 2 0 6: 3 0 P M) w w w. c n n. c o m/ 2 0 2 0/ 0 3/ 1 8/ us/ c or o n o vir us -t esti n g-s u p pl y-s h ort a g es- i n vs/i n d e x. ht ml...........................................................................................................................8 S el e n a Si m m o ns -D uffi n, C o nf us e d b y C D C's L at est M as k G ui d a n c e ? H er e's W h at W e' v e L e ar n e d , N P R ( u p d at e d M a y 1 5, 2 0 2 1, 6: 4 4 P M) htt ps:// w w w. n pr. or g/s e cti o ns/ h e alt h -s h ots/ 2 0 2 1/ 0 5/ 1 4/ 9 9 6 8 7 9 3 0 5/ c o nf us e d - b y -c d cs -l at est-m as k -g ui d a n c e -h er es -w h at -w e v e -l e ar n ed ..........................................................8 S el e n a Si m m o ns -D uffi n, C o nf us e d b y C D C's L at est M as k G ui d a n c e ? H er e's W h at W e' v e L e ar n e d , N P R ( u p d at e d M a y 1 5, 2 0 2 1, 6: 4 4 P M) htt ps:// w w w. n pr. or g/s e cti o ns/ h e alt h -s h ots/ 2 0 2 1/ 0 5/ 1 4/ 9 9 6 8 7 9 3 0 5/ c o nf us e d - b y -c d cs -l at est-m as k -g ui d a n c e -h er es -w h at -w e v e -l e ar n e d ........................................................2 5 Y el e n a D z h a n o v a, N e w Y or k St at e N o w H as M or e C or o n a vir us C as es t h a n A n y C o u ntr y O utsi d e t h e U S , C N B C ( A pr. 1 0, 2 0 2 0, 9: 3 3 A M), htt ps:// w w w. c n b c. c o m/ 2 0 2 0/ 0 4/ 1 0/ n e w -y or k -st at e-n o w -h as -m or e - c or o n a vir us -c as es -t h a n-a n y -c o u ntr y -o utsi d e -t h e-us. ht ml ..........................................................7 Z o ë S c hl a n g er, B e g gi n g f or T h er m o m et ers, B o d y B a gs, a n d G o w ns: U. S. H e alt h C ar e W or k ers Ar e D a n g er o usl y Ill -E q ui p p e d t o Fi g ht C O VI D -1 9 , TI M E ( A pr. 2 0, 2 0 2 0, 8: 0 0 A M) htt ps://ti m e. c o m/ 5 8 2 3 9 8 3/ c or o n a vir us -p p e -s h ort a g e/ ..............................8 Ot h e r A ut h o riti es 4 2 C F R § 4 8 3. 1 0( a)( 1) ...................................................................................................................4 5 4 2 C F R § 4 8 3. 3 5 ............................................................................................................................4 5 1 0 N Y C R R § 4 1 5. 1 2 ......................................................................................................................4 5 vii 8 of 62FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2023 02:41 PM INDEX NO. 451549/2023NYSCEF DOC. NO. 722 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2023 1 0 N Y C R R § 4 1 5. 2 6( i)( 1)(ii) ........................................................................................................4 5 1 0 N Y C R R § 4 1 5. 2 9 ......................................................................................................................4 5 N. Y. C o nst. art I § 1 2 .....................................................................................................................2 1 6 7 A N. Y. J ur. 2 d I nj u n cti o ns § 1 5 0 ( 2 0 2 3) ...................................................................................3 4 U. S. C o nst., a m e n d. I V ..................................................................................................................2 1 viii 9 of 62FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2023 02:41 PM INDEX NO. 451549/2023NYSCEF DOC. NO. 722 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2023 R es p o n d e nts A br a h a m O p er ati o ns Ass o ci at es L L C d/ b/ a B et h A br a h a m C e nt er f or R e h a bilit ati o n a n d N ursi n g ( “ B et h A br a h a m ”); D el a w ar e O p er ati o ns Ass o ci at es L L C a/ b/ a B uff al o C e nt er f or R e h a bilit ati o n a n d N ursi n g ( “ B uff al o C e nt er ”); H ollis O p er ati n g C o., L L C d/ b/ a H ollis w o o d C e nt er f or R e h a bilit ati o n a n d H e alt h c ar e ( “ H ollis w o o d ”); S c h n ur O p er ati o ns Ass o ci at es L L C d/ b/ a M arti n e C e nt er f or R e h a bilit ati o n a n d N ursi n g ( “ M arti n e C e nt er ”) ( B et h A br a h a m, B uff al o C e nt er, H ollis w o o d a n d M arti n e ar e r ef err e d t o h er ei n as t h e “ N ursi n g H o m es ”); Li g ht Pr o p ert y H ol di n gs Ass o ci at es L L C; D el a w ar e R e al Pr o p ert y Ass o ci at es L L C, H ollis R e al Est at e C o. L L C; Li g ht O p er ati o n al H ol di n gs Ass o ci at es L L C; Li g ht Pr o p ert y H ol di n gs II Ass o ci at es L L C; C e nt ers f or C ar e L L C d/ b/ a C e nt ers H e alt h C ar e ( “ C e nt ers H e alt h C ar e ”); C F S C D o w nst at e, L L C; BI S F u n di n g C a pit al L L C; S kill e d St affi n g L L C; ( C F S C D o w nst at e, L L C, BI S F u n di n g C a pit al L L C a n d S kill e d St affi n g L L C ar e c oll e cti v el y r ef err e d t o h er ei n as “ R el at e d P art y V e n d ors ” or “ R P Vs ” ); K e n n et h R o z e n b er g; D ar yl H a gl er; B et h R o z e n b er g; J effr e y Si c kli c k; L e o L er n er; R e u v e n K a uf m a n; A mir A br a m c hi k; D a vi d Gr e e n b er g; Elli ot K a h a n; S ol Bl u m e nf el d; Ar o n Gittl es o n; A h ar o n L a nt zits k y; J o n at h a n H a gl er; a n d M or d e c h ai “ M o ti ” H ell m a n ( c oll e cti v el y, R es p o n d e nts ”) r es p e ctf ull y s u b mit t his m e m or a n d u m of l a w a n d t h e a c c o m p a n yi n g Affir m ati o n of J o a n n a E. M e nill o ( “ M e nill o Aff. ”) i n s u p p ort of t h eir O p p ositi o n t o P etiti o n er, t h e Att or n e y G e n er al’s ( “ P etiti o n er ” or t h e “ A G ”) , m oti o n f or a pr eli mi n ar y i nj u n cti o n. P R E LI MI N A R Y S T A T E M E N T E v e n aft er a n e xt e nsi v e, t hr e e-y e ar i n v esti g ati o n of R es p o n d e nts, t h e A G h as n ot c o m e cl os e t o d e v el o pi n g t h e r e c or d n e c ess ar y t o m e et its b ur d e n of est a blis hi n g cl e ar a n d c o n vi n ci n g e vi d e n c e w arr a nti n g a m a n d at or y pr eli mi n ar y i nj u n cti o n ( “PI ”) t h at g o es w ell b e y o n d pr es er vi n g t h e st at us q u o w hil e t h e C o urt a dj u di c at es t his s u m m ar y pr o c e e di n g . First , t h e A G’s m oti o n f ails as a m att er of l a w b e c a us e it d o es n ot dis c uss — l et al o n e m e et — t h e h ei g ht e n e d st a n d ar d f or i m p ositi o n of a m a n d at or y PI, p arti c ul arl y o n e t h at l ar g el y 1 10 of 62FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2023 02:41 PM INDEX NO. 451549/2023NYSCEF DOC. NO. 722 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2023 o v erl a ps wit h t h e ulti m at e r eli ef it s e e ks o n t h e m erits. I n d e e d, t h e A G’s pr o p os e d pr eli mi n ar y r eli ef w o ul d eff e cti v el y p er mit t w o m o nit ors ( an i n d e p e n d e nt h e alt h c ar e m o nit or ( “I H M ”) a n d a n i n d e p e n d e nt fi n a n ci al m o nit or ( “I F M ”)) t o c o ntr ol t h e o p er ati o n s of t h e N ursi n g H o m es , h a v e a c c ess t o t h e R es p o n d e nts hist ori c al, c urr e nt, a n d f ut ur e r e c or ds, a n d t h e a ut h orit y t o r e p ort its fi n di n gs t o t h e AG o n a n o n g oi n g b asis — t h er e b y all o wi n g t h e A G t o w e a p o ni z e b ot h m o nit ors as i n v esti g ati v e a g e nts i n s u p p ort of t h e A G’s c as e f or t h e s u m m ar y pr o c e e di n g. M or e o v er, t h e e xt e nsi v e a n d o n g oi n g r e g ul at or y o v ersi g ht of t h e N ursi n g H o m es b y b ot h f e d er al a n d st at e a g e n ci es eli mi n at es t h e n e e d f or s u c h a br o a d m o nit ors hi p at t his e arl y st a g e of t h e liti g ati o n. T h e A G h as n ot cit e d a n y c as es w h er e a tri al c o urt h as i m p os e d s u c h a br o a d m o nit ors hi p, l et al o n e t w o, as pr eli mi n ar y r eli ef, b ef ore t h e C o urt h as e v e n m a d e a d et er mi n ati o n o n t h e A G’s u n d erl yi n g cl ai ms of p ersist e nt fr a u d a n d ill e g alit y u n d er E x e c uti v e L a w § 6 3( 1 2) . F urt h er m or e, th e A G ’s r e q u est f or an I F M is si mil arl y u n w arr a nt e d a n d o v erl y br o a d i n t h at it is m or e a ki n t o a r e c ei v er t h a n a m o nit or. R at h er t h a n si m pl y pr o vi d e t h e C o urt wit h tr a ns p ar e n c y a b o ut w h et h er t h e N ursi n g H o m es ar e a d e q u at el y f u n d e d t o pr o vi d e q u alit y c ar e c o nsist e nt wit h a p pli c a bl e l a w, t h e A G’s pr o p os e d pr eli mi n ar y r eli ef e m p o w ers t h e I F M t o e x er cis e c o ntr ol o v er t h e fi n a n c es of t h e N ursi n g H o m es. M or e s p e cifi c all y, t h e I F M w o ul d h a v e t h e a ut h orit y t o “ pr e v e nt [], bl o c k[], c a n c el[], r e v ers[e ], or m o dif y [] t h e t er ms ” of fi n a n ci al tr a ns a cti o ns b y t h e N ursi n g H o m es a n d/ or t h e R el at e d P art y V e n d ors. I n a d diti o n, t h e A G’s pr o p os e d pr eli mi n ar y r eli ef e m p o w ers t h e I F M t o “ i nstr u ct[] or dir e ct[]” c ert ai n fi n a n ci al tr a ns a cti o ns b y t h e N ursi n g H o m es a n d/ or R el at e d P art y V e n d ors. M or e o v er, t h e A G’s pr o p os e d r eli ef w o ul d gi v e t h e I H M u n c o n diti o n al a c c ess t o R es p o n d e nts’ fi n a n ci al i nf or m ati o n a n d d o c u m e nts, r e g ar dl ess of ti m e peri o d. S u c h a br o a d gr a nt of a ut h orit y at t his pr eli mi n ar y st a g e wit h o ut a d et er mi n ati o n o n t h e m erits is hi g hl y i n a p pr o pri at e. 2 11 of 62FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2023 02:41 PM INDEX NO. 451549/2023NYSCEF DOC. NO. 722 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2023 S e c o n d , t h e A G f ails t o d e m o nstr at e t h at t h e b al a n c e of t h e e q uiti es f a v or i m p ositi o n of a PI . E x e c uti v e L a w § 6 3( 1 2) a ut h ori z es i nj u n cti v e r eli ef t o pr ot e ct t h e p u bli c fr o m o n g oi n g fr a u d. T h e A G’s P etiti o n is m ar k e d b y st al e, is ol at e d, c h err y -pi c k e d e x a m pl es, m ost of w hi c h o c c urr e d d uri n g t h e h ei g ht of t h e C O VI D -1 9 p a n d e mi c. T h e A G h as f ail e d t o d e m o nstr at e t h at t h e p ur p ort e d h ar m is o n g oi n g. T h e P etiti o n all e g es h ar m t h at e n d e d, b y all a c c o u nts, i n J a n u ar y of 2 0 2 3— wit h o nl y a h a n df ul of e x a m pl es i n A pril 2 0 2 3 w hil e t h e v ast m aj orit y of t h e all e g e d i nst a n c es of h ar m o c c urr e d i n 2 0 2 2 or e arli er, a n d n o n e i n t h e p ast s e v er al m o nt hs. M or e o v er, o v er t h e l ast ni n e m o nt hs , R es p o n d e nts h a v e r e p e at e dl y ask e d t h e A G t o s h ar e e vi d e n c e of a n y q u alit y -of -c ar e iss u es s o C e nt ers c o ul d i m m e di at el y a d dr ess s u c h iss u es, b ut e a c h ti m e, t h e A G h as st e a df astl y r ef us e d t o s h ar e a n y s u c h e vi d e n c e. I n a d diti o n, t h e A G di d n ot s e e k a t e m p or ar y r estr ai ni n g or d er or a n y pr eli mi n ar y i nj u n cti v e r eli ef i n t h e o v er si x m o nt hs t h at el a ps e d si n c e it r e c ei v e d t h e r ef err al fr o m t h e N e w Y or k D e p art m e nt of H e alt h ( “ D O H ”) t o c o m m e n c e t his a cti o n i n e arl y D e c e m b er 2 0 2 2. T h es e f ail ur es u n d ers c or e t h e a bs e n c e of ur g e nt cir c u mst a n c es or o n g oi n g h ar m w arr a nti n g t h e i m p ositi o n of a m a n d at or y PI . T h e C o urt s h o ul d n ot i m p os e t h e e xtr a or di n ar y r eli ef of t w o m o nit ors t h at ar e t h e f u n cti o n al e q ui v al e nt of r e c ei v ers b as e d o n t his r e c or d. O n t h e ot h er si d e of t h e s c al e, t h e pr ej u di c e a n d b ur d e n t o t h e R es p o n d e nts is o v er w h el mi n g. Im p osi n g t his t y p e of r eli ef w o ul d gr e atl y pr ej u di c e t h e R es p o n d e nts b y f or ci n g t h e m t o s urr e n d er c o ntr ol o v er t h e o p er ati o ns of t h e N ursi n g H o m es a n d pr o vi d e u nf ett er e d a c c ess t o s e nsiti v e h e alt h a n d fi n a n ci al r e c or ds i n t h e a bs e n c e of a n ulti m at e d et er mi n ati o n o n t h e m erits. T hir d , t h e A G’s r e c or d is i n a d e q u at e t o m e et its b ur d e n of d e m o nstr ati n g a li k eli h o o d of s u c c ess o n t h e m erits b y cl e ar a n d c o n vi n ci n g e vi d e n c e. T h e P etiti o n c h err y -pi c ks is ol at e d e x a m pl es t o pr o p u p t h e A G’s ulti m at e c o n cl usi o n. A n d, i n d oi n g s o, t h e A G i g n or es s e v er al, i n c o n v e ni e nt f a cts t h at w o ul d c ut a g ai nst its cl ai ms— t h e i nt er v e ni n g c a us e of C O VI D-1 9, 3 12 of 62FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2023 02:41 PM INDEX NO. 451549/2023NYSCEF DOC. NO. 722 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2023 n ati o n wi d e st affi n g s h ort a g es, a h e alt h c ar e w or k er s h ort a g e t h at w as d e cl ar e d t o b e st at e of e m er g e n c y i n N e w Y or k St at e, a D O H d et er mi n ati o n of a n a c ut e l a b or s h ort a g e, a n d g o v er n m e nt dir e cti v es m a n d ati n g t h e a d missi o n of p ati e nt s r e g ar dl ess of C o vi d i nf e cti o n. T h e P etiti o n li k e wis e f ails t o all e g e a n y e vi d e n c e d e m o nstr ati n g a li n k b et w e e n t h e fi n a n ci al tr a ns a cti o ns a n d st affi n g or q u alit y -of -c ar e iss u es , a n d r eli es on c o n cl usi o ns t h at r e q uir e e x p ert a n al ysis a n d o pi ni o n. D es pit e t h e A G’s f ail ur e t o m e et its b ur d e n, R es p o n d e nts ar e willi n g t o a gr e e t o a p p oi nt a n I H M t o d et er mi n e w h et h er t h e q u alit y -of -c ar e iss u es o utli n e d i n t h e P etiti o n e xist at t h e N ursi n g H o m es, i n cl u di n g w h et h er t h e y pr es e nt a ris k of i m m e di at e or i m mi n e nt h ar m t o t h e r esi d e nts of t h e N ursi n g H o m es, a n d t o m a k e r e c o m m e n d ati o ns t o a d dr ess t h e q u alit y-of -c ar e iss u es o utli n e d i n t h e P etiti o n a n d t o e ns ur e t h at t h e N ursi n g H o m es ar e pr o vi di n g q u alit y-of -c ar e c o nsist e nt wit h a p pli c a bl e l a w. R es p o n d e nts ar e als o willi n g t o a gr e e n ot t o: (i) t a k e a n y dr a ws or distri b uti o ns fr o m t h e N ursi n g H o m es; (ii) m a k e a n y p a y m e nts or c a us e a n y p a y m e nts t o b e m a d e, eit h er dir e ctl y or i n dir e ctl y, fr o m t h e N ursi n g H o m es t o t h e R el at e d P art y V e n d ors; a n d (iii) tr a nsf er or c a us e t o b e tr a nsf err e d, eit h er dir e ctl y or i n dir e ctl y, a n y ass ets fr o m t h e N ursi n g H o m es t o t h e R el at e d P art y V e n d ors. T h es e i nt eri m m e as ur es m or e t h a n s uffi ci e ntl y a d dr ess t h e A G’s c o n c er ns as o utl i n e d i n t h e P etiti o n, a n d ar e n o br o a d er t h a n r e q uir e d u n d er t h e l a w. A c c or di n gl y, if t h e C o urt d o es n ot d e n y t h e A G’s m oti o n f or PI o n t h e m erits, it s h o ul d d e n y t h e m oti o n as m o ot . S T A T E M E N T OF F A C TS I n M ar c h 2 0 2 0, t h e N e w Y or k Att or n e y G e n er al i niti at e d a st at e wi d e i n v esti g ati o n i nt o n ursi n g h o m e o p er at ors a n d o w n ers c o n c er ni n g t h e q u alit y -of -c ar e pr o vi d e d d uri n g t h e p a n d e mi c. As t h at i n v esti g ati o n pr o gr ess e d , i n J u n e 2 0 2 0, t h e A G s et its si g hts o n C e nt ers H e alt h C ar e a n d its N e w Y or k fa ciliti es. (Att or n e y Affir m ati o n of M ott y S h ul m a n d at e d J ul y 9, 2 0 2 3 ( “ S h ul m a n Aff. ”) ¶ 1 2.) D uri n g t h e c o urs e of its i n v esti g ati o n i nt o C e nt ers H e alt h C ar e, t h e A G s er v e d 7 0 s u b p o e n as, c o n d u ct e d d o z e ns (if n ot h u n dr e ds) of i nt er vi e ws of st aff, r esi d e nts a n d t h eir f a mil y

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Samuel Samrech vs. Saint Agnes Medical Center

Jul 25, 2024 |23CECG01594

Re: Samrech v. Saint Agnes Medical Center et al. Superior Court Case No. 23CECG01594Hearing Date: July 25, 2024 (Dept. 403)Motion: by Defendant Saint Agnes Medical Center for Summary Judgment If oral argument is timely requested, it will be entertained on Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. in Department 403.Tentative Ruling: To grant. Defendant Saint Agnes Medical Center is directed to submit to this court,within five days of service of the minute order, a proposed judgment consistent with thecourt’s order.Explanation: Defendant Saint Agnes Medical Center (“Defendant”) moves for summaryjudgment based on the declarations of medical experts, Robert Cole, M.D.; LauraGarminde, BSN, RN; and John Evank, M.D., who opined that Defendant’s care andtreatment of plaintiff Samuel Samrech (“Plaintiff”) did not fall below the standard of care.The Complaint alleges as to Defendant one cause of action for medical malpractice,based on care provided on April 8, 2022 regarding a surgical procedure of a left inguinalincarcerated hernia repair, resulting in injuries and removal of the left testicl*.1 A trial court shall grant summary judgment where there are no triable issues ofmaterial fact and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. (Code Civ.Proc. §437c(c); Schacter v. Citigroup (2009) 47 Cal.4th 610, 618.) The issue to bedetermined by the trial court in consideration of a motion for summary judgment iswhether or not any facts have been presented which give rise to a triable issue, and notto pass upon or determine the true facts in the case. (Petersen v. City of Vallejo (1968)259 Cal.App.2d 757, 775.) The moving party bears the initial burden of production to make a prima facieshowing of the nonexistence of any triable issue of material fact; if he or she carries thisburden, the burden shifts to plaintiff to make a prima facie showing of the existence of atriable issue. (Aguilar v. Atlantic Richfield Co. (2001) 25 Cal.4th 826, 849.) “The standard of care in a medical malpractice case requires that physiciansexercise in diagnosis and treatment that reasonable degree of skill, knowledge and careordinarily possessed and exercised by members of the medical profession under similarcirc*mstances. ‘“The standard of care against which the acts of a physician are to be1 Defendant’s Request for Judicial Notice is granted.measured is a matter peculiarly within the knowledge of experts; it presents the basicissue in a malpractice action and can only be proved by their testimony, unless theconduct required by the particular circ*mstances is within the common knowledge ofthe layman.”’” (Munro v. Regents of Univ. of Cal. (1989) 215 Cal.App.3d 977, 983–984,internal citations omitted.) Normally, the question of whether a medical professional’s care and treatment ofa patient fell within the standard of care or caused the plaintiff’s injuries is a matter thatcan only be established through expert testimony. (Landeros v. Flood (1976) 17 Cal.3d399, 410.) Expert evidence is the standard for summary judgment in medical malpracticecases. (Willard v. Hagemeister (1981) 121 Cal.App.3d 406, 412.) When a defendant movesfor summary judgment and supports his motion with expert declarations that his conductfell within the community standard of care, he is entitled to summary judgment unless theplaintiff comes forward with conflicting expert evidence. (Ibid.) Affidavits of the moving party must be strictly construed and those of theopponent liberally construed. (Petersen, supra, 259 Cal.App.2d at p. 775.) The facts in theaffidavits shall be set forth with particularity. (Ibid.) The movant's affidavit must state all ofthe requisite evidentiary facts and not merely the ultimate facts or conclusions of law orconclusions of fact. (Ibid.) All doubts as to the propriety of granting the motion are to beresolved in favor of the party opposing the motion. (Hamburg v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.(2004) 116 Cal.App.4th 497, 502.) Here, Defendant submits, among others, the declaration of Robert Cole, M.D.(Defendant’s Statement of Evidence [“SOE”], Ex. 3.) Dr. Cole is a board-certifiedphysician in Surgery since 1988. (Id., Ex. 3, ¶ 2.) He has significant experience in thediagnosis, clinical treatment, surgical repair, and post-operative care of hernia patientssuch as Plaintiff, having treated thousands of patients with similar conditions. (Id., Ex. 3, ¶5.) He is aware of the standard of care of medical health providers, including nursing,staff, and other hospital personnel. (Id., Ex. 3, ¶ 7.) He is aware of a legal cause of injury.(Id., Ex. 3, ¶ 8.) Following his review of the medical records, Dr. Cole opined that the nursing staffmet the standard of care in treating Plaintiff. (Defendant’s SOE, Ex. 3, ¶ 12.) Namely, thenursing staff followed physician instruction and otherwise had no role in the surgicalprocedure. (Id., Ex. 3, ¶ 14(a).) After the hernia repair surgery, the nursing staffappropriately: documented the care provided to Plaintiff; did not place any unduepressure on the scrotum area; communicated with physicians and followed all orders;and provided standard and appropriate discharge instructions for a left inguinal herniarepair. (Id., Ex. 3, ¶ 14(b).) Dr. Cole opined that signs of testicular torsion would not beapparent at discharge, and usually takes 12 to 24 hours to manifest. (Id., Ex. 3, ¶ 14(c).)Upon return to Defendant’s Emergency Department, the nursing staff and personnelexpediently worked up Plaintiff’s care. (Id., Ex. 3, ¶ 14(d).) Dr. Cole further opined thatnothing Defendant’s nursing staff or personnel did or failed to do caused Plaintiff’s injuryof a left testicl* removal. (Id., Ex. 3, ¶ 16.) Defendant further submits the declaration of Laura Gaminde, BSN, RN, who hasover 43 years of nursing experience, the majority of which is in perioperative and surgicalservices. (Defendant’s SOE, Ex. 4, ¶¶ 1, 3.) She has experience in the management andcare of patients and conditions such as those of Plaintiff. (Id., Ex. 4, ¶ 4.) She concludesafter review of the medical records that the nursing staff of Defendant appropriatelyperformed Plaintiff’s preoperative assessment; reviewed Plaintiff’s history; took vitals;asked all of the appropriate questions; and completed a review of Plaintiff, asdocumented in the charts. (Id., Ex. 4, ¶ 10(a).) The nursing staff also followed physician’sinstructions, attended to their duties, and documented the same. (Id., Ex. 4, ¶ 10(c).) Post-operative care was also appropriate. (Id., Ex. 4, ¶ 10(d).) Emergency Department carewas also diligent. (Id., Ex. 4, ¶ 10(e).) Under the circ*mstances, Defendant has met its burden of showing that Plaintiffcannot prevail on his claim against Defendant for medical malpractice, on the issue ofa breach of duty and standard of care. The burden shifts to Plaintiff to come forward with conflicting expert evidence. Noopposition was filed. The court finds that there are no remaining triable issues of materialfact as to the only cause of action against Defendant, for medical malpractice.Accordingly, the motion for summary judgment is granted in favor of defendant SaintAgnes Medical Center and against plaintiff Samuel Samrech.2 Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.1312(a), and Code of Civil Proceduresection 1019.5, subdivision (a), no further written order is necessary. The minute orderadopting this tentative ruling will serve as the order of the court and service by the clerkwill constitute notice of the order.Tentative RulingIssued By: JS on 7/24/2024 . (Judge’s initials) (Date)2 Defendant further submits that informed consent was obtained. This appears to be in responseto one of the seven sentences that comprise Plaintiff’s complaint, referring to a failure to provideinformed consent for the surgical procedure. Dr. Cole opined that informed consent was obtainedby the treating physician. (Defendant’s SOE, Ex. 3, ¶ 13.) No opposition was filed to refute theexpert opinion. Nor is it apparent from the face of the Complaint that there are any allegations ofa*gency among the defendants, including the treating physician.



Jul 25, 2024 |23PSCV01547

Case Number: 23PSCV01547 Hearing Date: July 25, 2024 Dept: 6 Plaintiff Orlando Garcias Request for Entry of Default Judgment Defendants: Wayne Lee and Rayed Abdulnour TENTATIVE RULING Plaintiffs request for entry of default judgment is DENIED without prejudice. BACKGROUND This is an ADA/Unruh Civil Rights Act case. On May 22, 2023, plaintiff Orlando Garcia (Plaintiff) filed this action against defendants Wayne Lee (Wayne),[1] Rayed Abdulnour (Rayed), and Does 1 through 50, alleging one cause of action for violation of the Unruh Civil Rights Act. Default was entered against Rayed on August 10, 2023. On May 2, 2024, the Court granted Plaintiffs motion to strike Waynes answer. On May 28, 2024, default was entered against Wayne. LEGAL STANDARD Code of Civil Procedure section 585 permits entry of a default judgment after a party has failed to timely respond or appear. (Code Civ. Proc., § 585.) A party seeking judgment on the default by the court must file a Request for Court Judgment, and: (1) a brief summary of the case; (2) declarations or other admissible evidence in support of the judgment requested; (3) interest computations as necessary; (4) a memorandum of costs and disbursem*nts; (5) declaration of nonmilitary status; (6) a proposed form of judgment; (7) a dismissal of all parties against whom judgment is not sought or an application for separate judgment under Code of Civil Procedure section 579, supported by a showing of grounds for each judgment; (8) exhibits as necessary; and (9) a request for attorneys fees if allowed by statute or by the agreement of the parties. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.1800.) ANALYSIS Plaintiff seeks default judgment against Defendants in the total amount of $14,524.09, including $4,000.00 in damages, $8,600.00 in attorney fees, and $1,924.09 in costs. The Court notes a few issues with the default judgment package. First, Plaintiffs memorandum of costs includes $200.00 in investigation fees, which are not recoverable as costs. (CIV-100, ¶ 7, subd. (c); see Code Civ. Proc., § 1033.5, subd. (b)(2) [pretrial investigation costs not recoverable].) Second, the Court also notes that Plaintiff improperly included the high frequency litigation filing fees with the process server fees in the memorandum of costs. (CIV-100, ¶ 7, subd. (b); Reddy Decl., Ex. 2, p. 50.) Third, the Court finds Plaintiffs request for attorneys fees in the amount of $8,600.00 to be excessive. Plaintiff is a high frequency litigant. (Compl., ¶ 28.) All this case has involved thus far is the filing and service of the complaint, a single unopposed motion to strike, and requests for entry of default and default judgment. While the Court is not necessarily bound by the limits of the fee schedule for default judgments under Local Rule 3.214, the Court is not inclined to award the amount Plaintiff requests here. The Court will not include amounts billed for administrative work such as filing documents and will not allow for more than 1 hour for appearances for court conferences and OSC hearings. CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, Plaintiffs request for entry of default judgment is DENIED without prejudice. [1] The complaint also originally included a defendant Frances N. Lee, but that apparently was in error, and Frances N. Lee was removed from this action on October 30, 2023.



Jul 22, 2024 |CV-24-000803

CV-24-000803 – OJEDA, AGUSTIN, JR vs DOE, JOHN – Plaintiff’s Motion to be Relieved as Counsel - GRANTED, unopposed.Good cause existing, Plaintiff’s Counsel Malek Shraibiti Esq., and BD&J PC’s motion to be relieved as Counsel for Plaintiff Austin Ojeda is hereby granted. (California Rules of Court Rule 3.1362)The effectiveness of the Court’s order relieving Counsel is delayed till proof of service of same on Plaintiff.


Padilla, et al. vs. Rawlins, et al.

Jul 25, 2024 |23CV-0202171

PADILLA, ET AL. VS. RAWLINS, ET AL.Case Number: 23CV-0202171Tentative Ruling on Motion for Leave to File First Amended Complaint: This matter is oncalendar for hearing on Plaintiffs’ Motion for Leave to File First Amended Complaint. The Motionwas filed on June 4, 2024. Defendant Shannon Rawlins first appeared in this action by filing hisAnswer on June 6, 2024. The Motion was not served on Defendant Rawlins. In the interests ofjustice, the Court will continue hearing on this Motion and require service of the Motion onDefendant Rawlins. This matter is continued to Monday, August 19, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. inDepartment 64 for further proceedings on the Motion. Plaintiff is directed to file proof of serviceof notice of hearing on all Defendants for the future hearing date. No appearance is necessaryon today’s calendar.



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Renee Sanchez vs Felipe Rodriguez, et al.

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20CV-00156 Renee Sanchez v. Felipe Rodriguez, et al.Order to Show Cause re: Dismissal-Notice of SettlementAppearance required. Remote appearances are permitted. Parties who wish to appearremotely must contact the clerk of the court at (209) 725-4111 to arrange for a remoteappearance. Appear to address the status of the settlement.



Jul 25, 2024 |23STCV28569

Case Number: 23STCV28569 Hearing Date: July 25, 2024 Dept: 48 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - CENTRAL DISTRICT WILLIAM HOYMAN, Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL ELLIOTT PLOTKIN, Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO.: 23STCV28569 [TENTATIVE] ORDER GRANTING PLAINTIFFS MOTION TO DEEM RFAs ADMITTED Dept. 48 8:30 a.m. July 25, 2024 On November 21, 2023, Plaintiff William Hoyman this action against Defendant Michael Elliott Plotkin. On May 17, 2024, Plaintiff served Request for Admission, Set One on Defendant. (DeClercq Decl. ¶ 2.) The deadline for Defendant to respond was June 18, 2024, but to date, no responses have been received. (DeClercq Decl. ¶ 2.) On June 27, 2024, Plaintiff filed a motion to deem the RFAs in Request for Admission, Set One admitted. When a party fails to timely respond to a request for admission, the propounding party may move for an order that the genuineness of any documents and the truth of any matters specified in the requests be deemed admitted. (Code Civ. Proc., § 2033.280, subd. (b).) The party who failed to respond waives any objections to the demand, unless the court grants them relief from the waiver, upon a showing that the party (1) has subsequently served a substantially compliant response, and (2) that the partys failure to respond was the result of mistake, inadvertence, or excusable neglect. (Code Civ. Proc., § 2033.280, subds. (a)(1)-(2).) The court shall grant a motion to deem admitted requests for admissions, unless it finds that the party to whom the requests for admission have been directed has served, before the hearing on the motion, a proposed response to the requests for admission that is in substantial compliance with Section 2033.220. (Code Civ. Proc., § 2033.280, subd. (c).) Defendant filed no opposition to this motion and did not serve timely responses. It does not appear that Defendant served substantially compliant responses prior to the hearing. Accordingly, the motion is GRANTED. Request for Admission, Set One is deemed admitted. Defendant is ordered to pay sanctions of $2,380.00 to Plaintiff within 30 days. Moving party to give notice. Parties who intend to submit on this tentative must send an email to the Court at indicating intention to submit. If all parties in the case submit on the tentative ruling, no appearances before the Court are required unless a companion hearing (for example, a Case Management Conference) is also on calendar. Dated this 25th day of July 2024 Hon. Thomas D. Long Judge of the Superior Court


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MEMORANDUM OF LAW (W/NYSCEF DOC. #'S) (Motion #001) - Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner, the Attorney Generals Motion for Preliminary Injunction July 10, 2023 (2024)


What is a memorandum of law in support of motion? ›

The memorandum must contain a statement of facts, a concise statement of the law, evidence and arguments relied on, and a discussion of the statutes, cases, and textbooks cited in support of the position advanced.

What is the purpose of a preliminary injunction? ›

A preliminary injunction is an interlocutory order issued by a judge early in a lawsuit to stop the defendant from continuing their allegedly harmful actions, or commanding them to act in a certain manner to preserve the status quo before the final judgment.

What are four components required to establish grounds for a preliminary injunction? ›

To warrant preliminary injunctive relief, the moving party must show (1) a substantial likelihood of success on the merits, (2) that it would suffer irrepa- rable injury if the injunction were not granted, (3) that an injunction would not substantially injure other interested parties, and (4) that the public interest ...

What are the four factors for injunction? ›

It is well established that, to determine whether an injunction is “just and proper,” courts apply the “familiar set of four equitable factors: the movant's likelihood of success on the merits; the possibility of irreparable injury to the moving party; the extent to which the balance of hardships favors each party; and ...

What is the purpose of a memorandum of law? ›

A memorandum in a legal sense can refer to a comprehensive and organized written document that summarizes and analyzes relevant laws based on legal research to support a conclusion on a particular legal issue.

What is the difference between a motion and a petition? ›

Are motions and petitions the same thing? No, motions and petitions are not the same. A petition initiates legal action or proceedings, while a motion is a request made within an ongoing case to prompt a specific court action or decision.

What are the three types of injunctions? ›

An injunction is a court order requiring a person to do or cease doing a specific action. There are three types of injunctions: Permanent injunctions, Temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions. Temporary restraining orders (TRO) and preliminary injunctions are equitable in nature.

What are the four elements of permanent injunction? ›

Romero-Barcelo laid out a four-step test that a plaintiff must pass to obtain a permanent injunction: (1) that the plaintiff has suffered an irreparable injury; (2) that remedies available at law, such as monetary damages, are inadequate to compensate for the injury; (3) that the remedy in equity is warranted upon ...

What is an example of a federal motion? ›

Essentially, a motion is an argument made by a party in a criminal case, normally in writing, to request the court do something. For example, you can motion the federal judge to suppress evidence that was illegally seized by the ATF.

What are the 12 injunctions? ›

One of the variations of the list comprises the following injunctions: Don't exist, Don't be important, Don't be you, Don't be a child, Don't grow up, Don't succeed, Don't be close, Don't belong, Don't think (either about a forbidden topic or differently from your parents), Don't feel (a forbidden feeling or different ...

What types of behavior do injunctions prohibit? ›

Injunctions are given in many different kinds of cases. They can prohibit future violations of the law, such as trespass to real property, infringement of a patent, or the violation of a constitutional right (e.g., the free exercise of religion). Or they can require the defendant to repair past violations of the law.

What are the most common injunctions? ›

The three main instances of an injunction are restraining orders, preliminary (temporary) injunctions, and permanent injunctions. Cease and desist orders are a common type of injunction that demands an individual or entity to stop some activity.

What are some possible ramifications if you do not support your motion with a memorandum of points and authorities? ›

If you fail to support your motion with a memorandum of points and authorities, the court could deny the motion because you have implicitly admitted there is no basis for it.

What does brief in support of motion mean? ›

Brief: A written statement submitted to a court that explains a party's factual and legal arguments in support of a motion. Civil case: A legal action where a plaintiff seeks some sort of relief from a defendant.

What does MOA mean in court? ›

A memorandum of agreement (MOA) or cooperative agreement is a document written between parties to cooperatively work together on an agreed upon project or meet an agreed upon objective.

How to write a memorandum of law to the court? ›

Components of a legal memorandum
  1. Heading. This section includes the basic information about the memo: who it's to, who it's from, the date, and the subject matter. ...
  2. Opening statement/issue presented. Begin with a clear and concise statement of the issue at hand. ...
  3. Brief answer. ...
  4. Facts. ...
  5. Discussion. ...
  6. Conclusion.
Apr 16, 2024


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