Chickens & Heat Stress: How to Identify, Prevent, & Treat (2024)

Chickens & Flocks

by Alexa Lehr | 07.30.2021

Chickens & Heat Stress: How to Identify, Prevent, & Treat (1)

While their feathers are beautiful, all that fluff is tough on ourbackyard flocks. Unlike people, chickens don’t have sweat glands, nor do their feathers allow for arefreshingbreezetocool the skin and decrease their body temperature. Because of that, it’s important to stay vigilant about keeping your flockcool in the summer to prevent heat stress.Learn all about recognizing, preventing, and treating heat stress in your flock so you can keep them healthy this summer!

What is heat stress?

Heat stress is additional stressa chicken’sbodyexperiencesdue to it being unable to maintain a normal body temperature.As a chicken’s body temperature rises, pressure on all the other body systems increase.A chicken’s normal body temperature is around 104°F, so a chicken does a lot better in colder weather than it does in hot weather!Having such a high body temperature to start with makes heat related ailments much more prevalent for chickens. Not only isituncomfortable for a chicken, but heat stress canalsodamageorgans, cause egg deformation, and even lead to death.

Genetics, feather coverage, age, weight, andflock maintenanceall affect a chicken’s heat tolerance.Chicken breeds that have large combs and wattles and are lightly feathered are more heat tolerant then heavily feathered chicken breeds. As a chicken ages, it becomes more susceptible to ailments and more sensitive to environmental changes, such as an increase in temperatures.

Chickens & Heat Stress: How to Identify, Prevent, & Treat (2)

8 Signs of Heat Stress

Knowing how to spot signs of heat stress is the key to keeping your chickens safe and healthy over the summer. Here’s some tell-tale signs of heat stress:

  1. Panting& Rapid Breathing- Chickens pant by opening their beaks and engaging in rapid breathing. Much like dogs, chickens release heat by panting to dissipate internal heat. Look out for panting (beaks open) and rapid breathing as beginning signs of heat stress.

  2. Pale Comb & Wattles-The combs and wattles are a chicken’s only direct access of skin to air, so a lot of extra body heat leaves through those extremities. This heat dissipation can often make the skin color turn paler. Keeping the wattles and comb cool will help your chicken regulate its body temperature.

  3. Wings Outstretched & Feathers Erect- Air is our planet’s best insulator. When chickens overheat, they’ll stretch out their wings and lift their feathers in hopes of catching a cool breeze. They hold their wings away from their body to release trapped heat and to allow air flow against their skin.

  4. More Lounging & Less Roaming- Activity generates heat, so you may notice your chickens lounging around the enclosure or yard during hot weather. They may roam less and not move around as much in general. This decrease in activity does not necessarily mean lethargy, which we will discuss later.

  5. Stopped Eating & Increase Drinking- Your flock will start drinking A LOT more water during hot weather. You may also notice your flock is less willing to eat as much feed as they normally do. The digestion process does generate some internal heat, so a chicken may eat less if she is experiencing more amplified heat stress.

  6. Diarrhea-All ofthe extra water that a chicken consumes during hot weather can lead to watery diarrhea. While not necessarily bad, it does result in less body moisture which leads to a loss of electrolytes and possibly dehydration.

  7. Decrease in Egg Production- When a hen’s body is under lots of stress to keep cool, she will stop producing eggs. Aside from the stress of trying to stay cool, eggs are also mostly water. When a hen is dehydrated, she won’t have enough body moisture to continue properly producing eggs.

  8. Droopiness & Lethargic-Achicken suffering from more severe heat stress will appear very lethargic and lay down, not moving. If you have a chicken showing these signs, then it is time to take immediate action.Droopiness and lethargy are precursors to heat stroke, which is a very serious condition. We’ll cover this later in the article as there are specific steps involved in an emergency intervention.

Preventing Heat Stress in Chickens

Depending on where you live, you may not need to employ more than one or two ways to help keep your chickensstaycool. However, in certainhotterparts of thecountry,you’ll want to make sure you do a feweggstrathings to help keep your chickens safe.Here are some practical ways to helppreventheat stress in chickens:

ProvideRefreshing Water

Water is our best friend when it comes to cooling down. Serve it freely and plentifully to your flock so they can drink as much as they need. Chickens are greatself-regulatorsandwill eat and drink as much as they need. Remember to place feed and water in a shaded, coolarea. For extra comfort, add some ice to cool their water.However, don’t go too heavy on the ice because icy cold water can be a shock to a body that is very hot.


Overcrowding means thatachicken’s natural body heat (104°F) is multiplied by all itsflockmatesbody temperatures as well. That’s a lot of unwanted heat generated that can lead to heat stress, increased pecking, and even cannibalism.Overcrowding is dangerous to flock health no matter what the weather is like!The good news is it’s completely avoidable. Simply provide enough space for your chickens to retreat from each other and the heat.Having a large, airy enclosure helps prevent overcrowding as doesfree rangingyour flockduring the summer. If your chickens do have to stay penned up during the summer, allow at least 8 square feet of enclosure space per chicken.


Natural airflow can help keep the ambient temperatures lower in the coop.Make sure there is plenty of air flow andventilation in the coop. Prop doors and windows open. If you have doors on the next boxes, you may even want to prop those open too. While ventilation is very important, you also need to keep predator safety in mind. You might need to use a metal grate to block the windows or doors, if you didn’t have one built in already.At a minimum, make sure that your coop has enough ventilation to allow the hot air to escape and bring in any breezes.

If you’re able to run electricity to your yard, you can set up a fan for the chickens in their enclosure or the coop.A fan will be your flock’sfavorite addition to the coop, allowing them to get a precious breeze under their fluffy down. They’ll love it even more if you place frozen gallon jugs of water in front of it to reallyblow cool air around.

MakeFrozenTreats &EncourageHydration

Sipping ice water cools us from the inside out and helps regulate our body temperature. The same principle applies to your flock. Providing cool water can reduce stress on your flock and help them regulate their internal body temperature.

One of the easiest tricks to get your chickens to hydrate on a hot day is to sprinkle protein-rich snacks likeGrubbliesinto cold water. While they bob for their snacks and get extra protein, they’ll gobble up plenty of water along the way.You can also chop up veggies and fruit scraps, add a fewGrubblies, and make little ice cube snacksto add to your flock’s water and encourage drinking.

Provide your chickens with healthy, refreshingsnacksalong with their cool water.You can try freezing their feed or freezing fruits like watermelon, grapes, apples, cucumbers, salad greens, tomatoes, and other veggie scraps.


Summer shade is crucial, blockingblocks solar radiationand harmful UV rays.The ground beneath a tree makes forcooler dust baths too, making it easier to regulatebodytemperature and avoid heat stress.Make sure that you provide ampleshade for your chickens in their favorite hangout areas. If they don’t have natural shade, you can hang a shade cloth over their coop, run, or wherever they prefer to hang out. You can use a gardening shade cloth, tarp, old curtains or sheets, or even plant some trees to provide shade.Try to include both natural and manmade shades sources in your flock’s yard or enclosure. When rigging up a shade source, ensure that it does not use a black or dark material, which willactually absorbheat and contributehot air to the surroundings.

HoseDown theCoop andSurroundingAreas

Cold water helps cool things down by absorbing some of the heat itself.Hose down the coop roofand wet the perimeter of the coop andenclosureto make those areas cooler and more refreshing for your flock. This will aid in lowering the overall ambient temperatureof the surrounding area.

Also, wet the ground in any areas they like to hang out during the day. On a particularly hot day when temperatures are well over 90°˚F to 100°˚F, water things down as often as you can.Don’t forget to water their favorite dust-bathing areas. Chickens not only dust bathe to keep their skin and feathers clean,theyalso do it to help regulate their body temperatures. By providing themwithdampened and cooled dirt to dust bathe in, they can keep themselves cool when they kick the wet dirtonto their skin.

Provideyourchickens with extra sources of drinking water, including tubs they can step in to keep cool as needed.


If theeggstrashade andhosed down cooparen'tdoing the trick, particularly if you live in areas where summers can getreally hot, you should consider getting misters.

Misters can cool the ambient temperature by quite a bit, and even as much as 20 to 30 degrees!

Your local home improvement storeshouldsell free-standing misters that can attach to a hose. You can also buy misting system kits that you can mount inyour flock’srun or hangout area. If you’re particularly handy, you can DIY your own misting system.

If you are DIYing, make sure you find fine-spray nozzles that spray.Usuallythey are rated with something like “0.5 GPH” or “1 GPH”(GPH = gallons per hour). The rating tells you how much water is sprayed out of the nozzle per hour. You’ll want to choose one that sprays a very fine mist and uses as little water as possible. The idea is to mist, not irrigate.

RecognizingHeatStrokein Chickens

Heat stroke is when a chicken’s body reaches a lethaltemperatureand can’t cool down fast enough. The body’s systems and organs will start shutting down due to the high body temperature anddehydration. Eventually,heat stroke will lead to death. Here are somesigns that indicate heat stress has turned into heat stroke:

  • Severelethargy- characterized by immobility and poor body posture, the chicken may even have a hard time standing on its own
  • Heavy panting- more noticeable when compared to otherflockmates
  • Extreme body heat
  • Staggering
  • Disorientation
  • Seizures

    Sometimes, no matter what you do, you will still end up with a chicken that gets heat stroke.Usually, a chicken suffering from heat stroke will be laying down and seem almost listless. The body will feel very hot, much hotter than that of the other chickens. This is very dangerous, as the core body temperature can affect the function of organs and other body processes.

    Once a chicken starts showing signs of heat stroke, immediate action is required to save the chicken’s life!

    Emergency Measures for Treating Heat Stroke in Chickens

    It’s critical and imperative that you take immediate measures to save your chicken as soon as you see signs of severe heat stress or heat stroke. Here’s what to do in emergencysituations!

    • Move:Bring your patient indoors or to a cool spot and set up an emergency coolingarea.Your bathroom, laundry room or mudroom would be ideal.
    • Bathe:Prepare a cooling bath using a dish tub specifically used for your chickens.Dunk some ice or an ice pack into the water to ensure the water is cool. Let your patient soak in the cool water for at least 5 minutes to bring down his or her core body temperature.The severity of the heat stress will dictate how wet the chicken needs to get in ordertoadequatelycool off.Gently towel dry your patientand place him or her in a quiet comfortable corner with a fan blowing.
    • Electrolytes:Meanwhile, prepare some electrolytes in some water. You can purchase little electrolyte packets from your feed store and keep it in your emergency kit, or you can make your own. To make your own, all you need is to mix a little bit of raw honey with some water, and a tiny pinch of baking soda or sea salt. If your patient is not drinking by him/herself, you may need to administer the electrolyte water using a feeding syringe or an eyedropper.
    • Overnight TLC:Prepare an overnight stay with healthy foods. Leave your patient in your home’s "henspital" at least overnight for observation, and provide some protein-rich snacks like grubs, and fruit like watermelon, cantaloupe, or berries. The protein will provide energy, and the fruits will be quenching with natural sugars and electrolytes. Be sure he/she is getting enough water. Try sprinkling the grubs into a dish of water so they’ll gobble up water while bobbing for their snacks.

      Your little feathered patient may appear weak for at least 1 to 3 days. Continue to provide lots of TLC and shade, and maybe even continue to sequester in the henspital untiltheyprotestand wants to get out. Protesting is a sign of improvement!

      Chickens & Heat Stress: How to Identify, Prevent, & Treat (3)

      Keep a Cool Flock!

      Learning how to recognize, prevent, and treat heat stress in chickens is essential for keeping your flock healthy and cool this summer! Chickensare able tohandle cooler temperatures much better than hot weather, so it isa good idea toimplementsome extra measures during the summerfor keeping your chickens cool. Your chickens will appreciate preventative measures such as plenty of shade, healthy and refreshing snacks, and plenty of cool drinking water.When you do recognize severe heat stress or heat stroke in one of your flock members, knowing how to treat it could save your chicken’s life! Preparedness and prevention are the key thingsto keep in mind when helping your flock stay cool this summer!


      Chickens & Heat Stress: How to Identify, Prevent, & Treat (4)

      Alexa Lehr

      Alexa grew up raising, showing, and caring for poultry. Her passion for poultry grew into her current small farm business, the Black Feather Farm, where she breeds rare and heritage chicken breeds. She uses her vast experience to improve the lives of chickens and educate Grubbly readers as well as readers on her own blog, The Pioneer Chicks.

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      Chickens & Heat Stress: How to Identify, Prevent, & Treat (2024)


      Chickens & Heat Stress: How to Identify, Prevent, & Treat? ›

      Shade, water, and ventilation are the three most basic needs to keep chickens comfortable during the summer. Additional cooling such as ice blocks and misters can offer further cooling benefits and help birds survive during times of extreme heat.

      How to treat heat stress in chickens? ›

      Shade, water, and ventilation are the three most basic needs to keep chickens comfortable during the summer. Additional cooling such as ice blocks and misters can offer further cooling benefits and help birds survive during times of extreme heat.

      How to help an overheated chicken? ›

      A chicken exhibiting these symptoms is in extreme danger of dying from heat stress and needs to be cooled quickly. Submerge her body (not her head) in a bucket of cool (not icy) water and place her somewhere cool such as in the house until she is completely recovered.

      How do I know if my chicken is heat stress? ›

      Some common chicken heat stress symptoms include:
      1. Panting & Open-Mouth Breathing. ...
      2. Decreased Feed Intake. ...
      3. Increased Water Consumption. ...
      4. Reduced Egg Production. ...
      5. Lethargy & Weakness. ...
      6. Spread Wings & Seeking Shade. ...
      7. Pale Combs & Wattles. ...
      8. Heat-Related Illnesses.
      Mar 21, 2024

      What does heat exhaustion look like in chickens? ›

      Panting & Rapid Breathing- Chickens pant by opening their beaks and engaging in rapid breathing. Much like dogs, chickens release heat by panting to dissipate internal heat. Look out for panting (beaks open) and rapid breathing as beginning signs of heat stress.

      How to save a bird from heat exhaustion? ›

      Stand him on a damp towel or in a shallow dish of tepid or tap water – not cooled water. Lightly mist with the same type of water – again not cooled water – lift the wings to get water against the skin. A bird in heat distress will pant, and stand with his legs slightly spread and his wings drooped.

      How do you manage summer stress in poultry? ›

      Keeping birds cool
      • Providing ventilation. In most cases, you can manage heat in your flock through air flow. ...
      • Feeding. Most often, birds are hungriest in the morning and will tend to fill up. ...
      • Managing water. ...
      • Using electrolytes. ...
      • Providing sodium bicarbonate. ...
      • Supplementing vitamins. ...
      • Other practices.

      What is the stress medicine for chickens? ›

      Pollstress is an anti-stress formula for use in livestock production, specially for poultry. It is composed of electrolytes, amino acids, vitamins, fermentation products, and probiotics.

      Can chickens overheat in a coop? ›

      Chickens aren't so good at keeping themselves cool. You'll need to keep an eye on them when temperatures are over 85 degrees to make sure they don't overheat. If a chicken becomes overheated, they can easily suffer from stress, heatstroke, or death. A chicken's body temperature is normally 104-107 degrees.

      How do you get rid of heat in chickens? ›

      Here are some tips you can follow to reduce heat stress in your flock:
      1. Provide Ventilation: One of the simplest ways to prevent heat stress among your flock is by managing the air flow. ...
      2. Feed Right: Birds tend to be hungrier in the morning, resulting in them eating more. ...
      3. Water: ...
      4. Use Electrolytes: ...
      5. Manage Space:
      Mar 28, 2022

      How do you treat heat stress in poultry? ›

      Various measures can be taken to reduce heat stress in poultry.
      1. Management. Adjust management practices correctly, such as ventilation, stocking density, litter management and more. ...
      2. Stocking density. ...
      3. Provide ventilation. ...
      4. Feeding. ...
      5. Water management. ...
      6. Using electrolytes. ...
      7. Providing sodium bicarbonate. ...
      8. Vitaprix.
      Jun 13, 2022

      How do you diagnose heat stress? ›

      Heat stress or heat exhaustion: symptoms usually include any combination of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, light-headedness, irritability, headache, thirst, weakness, excessive sweating, muscle cramps, and decreased urine output in the setting of high body temperatures.

      What are two signs displayed by chickens when they are under stress? ›

      A chicken showing aggressive behavior might spend a lot of their time alone and appear to be tense. You may also notice issues with biting or attacking with their wings or their full-body during interactions with other chickens or owners.

      How do you fix heat stress? ›

      1. Move the person out of the heat and into a shady or air-conditioned place.
      2. Lay the person down and raise the legs and feet slightly.
      3. Remove tight or heavy clothing.
      4. Have the person sip chilled water, a sports drink containing electrolytes or another nonalcoholic beverage without caffeine.

      What happens when chickens get too hot? ›

      Chickens suffering from heat stress will pant and hold their wings away from their body. They will show decreased appetite and have watery droppings. Chickens with extreme heat stress requiring immediate attention may be listless, droopy or pale in the wattle or comb.

      What is the heat treatment for poultry? ›


      There are many published recommendations for the heat treatment of poultry feeds. For broiler feeds, it has been reported that a moderate level of heat treatment such as 80°C (176°F) for a two minute retention time is sufficient to kill Salmonella.


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