BE6338510454 - KBC Brussels Bank & Insurance (2024)

KBC Equity Fund Global Value Responsible Investing Corporate Shares DIS
SFDR Classification: art.8

BE6338510454 - KBC Brussels Bank & Insurance (1)

Publication date: 01-02-2024

Responsible Investing report

Your responsible fund is actively screened and adjusted to maximise sustainability. Based on a number of sustainability indicators, you can see to what extent your fund is achieving the predefined goals.

Click on the arrows next to each indicator for the most recent information.

The ESG risk score for companies measures the difference between a company's exposure to sector-relevant environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and the extent to which the company covers these risks. A lower score indicates less sustainability risk for the company in question.

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Lower than 19.21

Fund 18.37






  • Negligible risk
  • Low risk
  • Medium risk
  • High risk
  • Severe risk

Source: Morningstar Sustainalytics © Morningstar Sustainalytics (2024) - Data coverage rate: 100.00% fund

The CO2 intensity (carbon intensity) of a company indicates how many tonnes of CO2 that company emits (Scope 1+2) per million USD of turnover (tCO2e/$M turnover).

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63.59% decrease compared to end 2019 reference value

50%decrease by 2030 compared to end 2019 reference value
Within the sector, 2019 is generally accepted as the reference year for the target.

External circ*mstances, such as market movements and updates of external data, may lead to the above targets not being met. In such cases, the fund manager will bring the fund into line with its objectives as soon as possible, at all times in the sole interests of the investor.


Source: S&P Trucost Limited © Trucost (2024) - Data coverage rate: 100.00% fund - Target: see table 2 'Reduction path carbon intensity' at> Investment policy for responsible investing funds

Did you know that one ton of CO2 is equal to:

70 x flights from Brussels to Rome
500 x annual CO2 uptake of a tree

Companies which seriously violate the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) sustainability principles are excluded by KBC Asset Management from its universe of responsible funds.

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100% In line with UNGC

  • In line with UNGC

Source: MSCI, Morningstar Sustainalytics © Morningstar Sustainalytics (2024) - Data coverage rate: 98.91% fund

The fund takes into account in its investment decisions all Principal Adverse Impacts on sustainability factors (PAI) such as the environment, social framework, respect for human rights, anti-corruption, ... .
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All indicators listed in Table 1 as well as the relevant indicators from Tables 2 and 3 of Delegated Regulation 2022/1288 (Annex 1) are taken into account. The most important are:

  • Greenhouse gases: PAI 3
    This fund has a carbon intensity reduction target for companies.
  • Greenhouse gases: PAI 4
    This fund does not invest in companies that are active in the fossil fuel sector.
  • Social affairs and employees: PAI 10
    This fund does not invest in companies that seriously violate UNGC principles and OECD guidelines.
  • Social affairs and employees: PAI 14
    This fund does not invest in companies that are active in controversial weapons.

Some terms explained

Economic activities can have positive but also negative effects on sustainability factors. Principal Adverse Impacts (PAI) indicate the main adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors, such as the environment, the social framework, respect for human rights, anti-corruption and the like. Learn more at

The CO2 intensity of a company indicates how many tonnes of CO2that company emits per million USD turnover (tCO2e/$M turnover). The number of tonnes of CO2 emitted by a company is the sum of:

  • the direct CO2 emissions resulting from of the company's own activities (Scope 1)
  • the indirect CO2 emissions resulting from the generation of purchased electricity (Scope 2)

The indirect CO2 emissions resulting from the activities of suppliers and customers, for example (Scope 3), are not included in the sum.

At fund level, this figure represents the weighted average score of all CO2 intensities of the underlying companies in which the fund invests and for which data is available. The specific ‘target’ objectives for a fund, as well as the benchmark and/or a reference portfolio based on a certain target allocation against which these objectives are compared, can be found at > Investment policy for Responsible Investing funds.

The data coverage rate reflects the proportion of investment instruments for which relevant data is available, expressed as a percentage. In calculating this, technical elements such as cash or derivatives are not taken into account.

ESG stands for Environment, Social and Governance and refers to the three themes that are central to a sustainability screening.

The ESG risk score for companies measures the difference between a company's exposure to sector-relevant environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and the extent to which the company covers these risks. The lower a company's ESG risk score on a scale of 0 to 100, the less its sustainability risk.

The company ESG risk score is determined from three perspectives:

  1. Environment: waste policy, water intensity and greenhouse gas emissions;
  2. Social: employment conditions, workforce diversity and union rights;
  3. Governance: independence of the board of directors and transparency on pay and taxes.

At fund level, this figure represents the weighted average of all ESG risk scores for the underlying companies in which the fund invests and for which data is available. The specific ‘target’ objectives for a fund, as well as the benchmark and/or a reference portfolio based on a certain target allocation against which these objectives are compared, can be found at > Investment policy for Responsible Investing funds.

This Board is made up of independent members whose sole responsibility is to supervise the approach and activities of the specialist researchers of KBC Asset Management NV. Any changes KBC Asset Management makes to its responsible investment methodology must pass their test. In this way, KBC Asset Management keeps abreast of social trends.

The United Nations' Global Compact (UNGC) has drawn up 10 sustainability principles in the area of human rights, employment rights, environment and combating corruption, which all businesses have to respect.

For its responsible investing funds, KBC Asset Management excludes all companies that seriously violate these principles, based on Morningstar Sustainalytics' Global Standard Screening and Controversy Research and MSCI's Controversy Research.

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is a European Regulation governing sustainability disclosures in the financial sector. It divides funds into three categories:

  • Article 6 funds: funds that neither have sustainable investment as their objective, nor do they promote environmental and/or social characteristics.
  • Article 8 funds: funds that promote environmental and/or social characteristics.
  • Article 9 funds: funds that have sustainable investment as their objective.

Companies or governments whose activities or the way in which they carry them out run seriously counter to the principles of responsible business are excluded. We distinguish two types of exclusion criteria:

  • Exclusion criteria that apply to all KBC funds, such as serious violations of the United Nations Global Compact principles, human rights abuses, controversial regimes, tobacco producers, coal mining, etc.
  • Exclusion criteria specific to responsible investment funds, such as companies linked to or active in conventional weapons, fossil fuels, gambling, adult entertainment, fur and speciality leather, irresponsible extraction of palm oil, etc..

Your responsible fund is actively screened and adjusted to maximise sustainability. Based on a number of sustainability indicators, you can see to what extent your fund is achieving the predefined goals.

Click on the arrows next to each indicator for the most recent information.

Based on the information provided in the article, let's break down and explain the concepts mentioned:

KBC Equity Fund Global Value Responsible Investing Corporate Shares DISBE6338510454SFDR Classification: art.8

The KBC Equity Fund Global Value Responsible Investing Corporate Shares is a fund offered by KBC Asset Management. It falls under the SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) classification of Article 8 funds. Article 8 funds promote environmental and/or social characteristics.

ESG Risk Score for Companies

The ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) risk score measures the difference between a company's exposure to sector-relevant ESG risks and the extent to which the company covers these risks. A lower ESG risk score indicates less sustainability risk for the company. The ESG risk score is determined based on three perspectives: environment, social, and governance.

CO2 Intensity of a Company

The CO2 intensity of a company indicates how many tonnes of CO2 the company emits per million USD of turnover (tCO2e/$M turnover). It takes into account both the direct CO2 emissions resulting from the company's own activities (Scope 1) and the indirect CO2 emissions resulting from the generation of purchased electricity (Scope 2). The CO2 intensity reduction target for companies aims to decrease the CO2 intensity compared to a reference value.

United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is a voluntary initiative that encourages businesses to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies and practices. It has drawn up 10 sustainability principles in the areas of human rights, employment rights, environment, and combating corruption. KBC Asset Management excludes companies that seriously violate these principles from its responsible investing funds.

Principal Adverse Impacts (PAI)

Principal Adverse Impacts (PAI) refer to the main adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors such as the environment, social framework, respect for human rights, and anti-corruption. The fund takes into account all PAIs, including greenhouse gases, social affairs and employees, and other relevant indicators listed in the Delegated Regulation 2022/1288.

Data Coverage Rate

The data coverage rate reflects the proportion of investment instruments for which relevant data is available, expressed as a percentage. It indicates the extent to which data on sustainability indicators is available for the fund's underlying companies.

Responsible Investing and Sustainability Goals

The KBC Equity Fund Global Value Responsible Investing Corporate Shares is actively screened and adjusted to maximize sustainability. It aims to achieve predefined sustainability goals based on various indicators such as ESG risk score, CO2 intensity, and adherence to sustainability principles like the United Nations Global Compact.

Please note that the information provided is based on the content of the article you shared.

BE6338510454 - KBC Brussels Bank & Insurance (2024)


What is KBC in Belgium? ›

Welcome to KBC

We are an integrated bank-insurance group, catering mainly for retail, private banking, SME and mid-cap clients. Our core markets are Belgium, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria. We are present to a limited extent in several other countries.

What is the bank identification code for KBC Brussels? ›

Member of the KBC group. KBC Asset Management NV – Havenlaan 2 – 1080 Brussels – Belgium – VAT BE 0469.444. 267 – RLP Brussels – IBAN BE13 7330 0207 6739 – BIC KREDBEBB.

What does KBC Bank means? ›

It was created in 1998 through the merger of Kredietbank (KB), the cooperative CERA Bank, ABB Insurance, and Fidelitas Insurance. The acronym KBC refers to KredietBank and CERA. KBC Group N.V. KBC Group head office in Brussels.

How do I pay with KBC? ›

2. Paying online by bank transfer using the KBC Brussels Payment Button
Paying with KBC Brussels Touch (tablet/desktop)
Step 1Select the KBC Brussels Payment Button
Step 2Select the card reader and current account you're using to pay
Step 3KBC Brussels Touch will show you the payment details for what you're buying online
2 more rows

Is KBC different from KBC Brussels? ›

Thanks to KBC's and CBC's networks and the strength of an international group, KBC Brussels (part of KBC Bank) offers a real solution for banking business in Brussels.

What type of company is KBC? ›

KBC Group NV (KBC) is a financial-holding company that offers banking and insurance solutions.

What does a KBC IBAN look like? ›

2 digit check number. 4 characters from the KBC Bank Ireland Plc's bank code. 6 digit code for the KBC Bank Ireland Plc bank branch. 8 digit code for the KBC Bank Ireland Plc bank account number.

What is card verification code KBC? ›

Back. The back of your prepaid card contains the Card Verification Code (CVC), which takes the form of a three-digit number. You must enter your card number, the expiry date and the CVC each time you make an online purchase with your prepaid card.

What banks are in KBC Group? ›

The companies, part of KBC Group Bulgaria are United Bulgarian Bank, DZI, UBB Interlease, UBB Pension Insurance, UBB Asset Management, UBB Factoring, UBB Insurance Broker, KBC Bulgaria Branch.

Is KBC Bank gone? ›

As KBCI (now Exicon) would no longer be operating in the Irish market, on the 25th May 2023 KBCI (now Exicon) and KBC Bank NV (Exicon's Belgian parent company), acting through its branch in Ireland agreed the transfer of any remaining accounts and servicing activity to KBC Bank NV Dublin Branch (“KBC Dublin Branch”).

Who is the owner of KBC? ›

The rights to the show are owned by Sony Television in India, and it is estimated that the show generates a significant amount of revenue through advertising and sponsorships. In terms of TRPs (television rating points), KBC has been one of the highest rated shows in India, especially during its early seasons.

How can I withdraw money from KBC? ›

You can only withdraw funds via bank transfer

So how to actually withdraw funds from KBC Equitas? At KBC Equitas, you can only withdraw your money using a bank transfer. This puts KBC Equitas at a slight disadvantage over brokers that also offer withdrawal to credit/debit cards or electronic wallets such as PayPal.

Does PayPal work with KBC? ›

Linking your PayPal account with our app enables you to: View your PayPal balance and transaction details in KBC Mobile. Instantly see which amounts have been credited to or debited from your PayPal account.

How do I pay with KBC Online? ›

You can make payments in online stores without a card reader by using your KBC Brussels Debit Card (Bancontact, Maestro, Visa and Mastercard) or the KBC Brussels Payment Button. When making your purchase, select the pay by mobile option.

Does KBC have an app? ›

If you already have a current account with us, you can use our KBC Mobile app to the full. That includes access to a host of handy additional services. For instance, you can rent a shared bike, buy cinema and theme park tickets, pay for parking, order service vouchers, and much more besides.

What is the payment system in Belgium? ›

Belgium's most commonly used payment method is its domestic payment system, Bancontact. Bancontact partners with the majority of Belgian banks so their customers can use Bancontact-branded debit cards. Credit cards are also one of the most popular payment methods in the Belgian market.

Is CBC and KBC the same? ›

The Belgium Business Unit comprises the activities of KBC Bank NV and KBC Insurance NV, and their Belgian subsidiaries, such as CBC Banque, KBC Asset Management, KBC Lease Group (Belgium) and KBC Securities.

What is swift code KBC? ›

Understanding the KBC BANK NV Swift Code Details - KREDBEBBXXX
SWIFT Code Breakup
Bank codeKRED
Country codeBE
Location codeBB
6 more rows

What are Belgium citizens called? ›

There is not one specific term for them in English, so they are simply called “Belgians”. However, you may sometimes hear them referred to as “Belgian nationals” or “Belgian citizens”. In Belgium, 3 languages are spoken which translates Belgians as Belgen (Dutch), Belges (French), and Belgier in German.


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